The Academic Experience

Faculty Support & Training

  • Develop an orientation model on diversity, equity and inclusion for new full- and part-time faculty and graduate teaching assistants, supporting both initial and sustained welcome into the University community.
    • Overseen by: Daniel Cosacchi, Vice President of Mission and Ministry; Elizabeth Garcia, Executive Director, Office of Equity and Diversity; Michelle Maldonado, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs; Patricia Tetreault, Vice President of Human Resources
    • Items Status: Work in progress.
    • Updates: 
      • The leads started to meet the Fall of 2022 to start working and planning on the development of an orientation model for all staff and faculty.
      • The Jesuit Center new faculty workshop presentation throughout the academic year includes DEI topics and training.
      • A working group of administrators worked with several departments to create onboarding videos for adjunct faculty that included topics, including, but not limited to, microaggressions and implicit bias, reasonable accommodations for students, non-discrimination, and Title IX.
  • Build workshop opportunities dedicated to incorporating/ infusing diversity, equity and inclusion into existing courses, including General Education, and that promote inclusive content and pedagogy.
    • Overseen by: Daniel Cosacchi, Vice President of Mission and Ministry; Elizabeth Garcia, Executive Director, Office of Equity and Diversity; Michelle Maldonado, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
    • Item Status: Work in progress.
    • Updates:
      • The PILLAR program is a pedagogical partnership program that pairs students with faculty to create, support, and enhance inclusive learning environments that encourage and value all learners at the ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½. The PILLAR program empowers students to create inclusive classrooms that support diverse student experiences and learning needs by sharing their expertise as students with faculty members.
      • Faculty development day-First DEI Faculty Development Day occurred in September 2022.
      • The Provost’s Office and OED reviewed other Jesuit institution faculty development DEI pedagogical programs and institutes, and continue to discuss opportunities and options.
  • Expand offerings for diversity, equity and inclusion training for all faculty and academic support staff, including a workshop series for faculty and other instructors, such that they may better understand and support diverse students throughout academic life.
    • Overseen by: Daniel Cosacchi, Vice President of Mission and Ministry; Elizabeth Garcia, Executive Director, Office of Equity and Diversity; Michelle Maldonado, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs; Patricia Tetreault, Vice President of Human Resources
    • Item Status: Work in progress.
    • Updates:
      • The leads met in the Fall of 2022 to start working and planning on the development of an orientation model for all staff and faculty and work is ongoing.
      • SafeColleges trainings is sent out yearly for faculty and staff. In Fall 2022, a conflict management module and a Student Mental Health: Awareness, Intervention and Referral were delivered to faculty and staff. In Spring 2023, Making Campus Safe for LGBTQ+ Students and Awareness and Prevention Workplace Bullying are scheduled to be released to faculty and staff.
      • OED’s DEI Lunch and Learn Series, where faculty present lectures on their DEI work, continues to be provided every semester. For more information, on planned and future DEI Lunch and Learn Series, please visit the OED website.
      • Liz Garcia and Tara Fay started to offer Race and Ethnicity Awareness Training (REAT) for faculty and staff. In Fall 2023, there offered a train the trainer course to six faculty and staff to expand the offering of the training.
      • OED is providing division specific DEI related training based on need and/or interest. Interested departments are encouraged to contact OED to discuss needs.
      • A Web Accessibility Work Group, comprised of several divisions of the University and lead by the Office of Equity and Diversity, is working to ensure web and technology accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
  • Further enhance Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence staff skills and support dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion within faculty development programming.
    • Overseen by: Elizabeth Garcia, Executive Director, Office of Equity and Diversity; Michelle Maldonado,  Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
    • Item Status: Year 2.
    • Updates:
  • Support, recognize and celebrate faculty contributions related to diversity and inclusion.
    • Overseen by: Michelle Maldonado, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
    • Item Status:  Year 2.
    • Updates:
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